


may-webinar-series-desktop-cte.jpg may-webinar-series-mobile-cte.jpg
This complimentary webinar will take place on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 3:30 PM

Tracking CTE Progress: A Simpler Approach Using Digital Badges

CTE programs are growing in popularity and provide students with many exciting opportunities. But as they grow, how can teachers monitor student progress without going crazy?

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In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How you can define badges that correspond to your CTE program's requirements
  • How students can organize their work, including their resumes, course completion, and work-based learning hours.
  • How teachers can easily keep track of each student's progress.

We will discuss how badges make it easier to visualize student growth, and how badges help teachers and administrators easily generate reports. This is a 30-minute webinar.

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