We all want our students to dream big - to think about life beyond graduation, and to be ready for career, college, or any other goal. But how do we help students move towards their dreams by using the resources they have available in their school and local community?
Please join us for a webinar on
- Dream Big, Start Local: A New Approach to Individual Learning Plans
- Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)
- Please register to be notified about the next webinar.
In this session, you can join us to learn more about Richer Picture's innovative approach to Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) [also known as Student Success Plans (SSPs) or Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)].
During the session, you will learn how students can use Digital Badges to connect their goals and your resources. Badges can help students connect to a wide range of your school's activities, including:
- Student Goals: Setting Academic, Career and Personal Goals
- Your School's Portrait of a Learner / Vision of a Graduate
- Course Offerings
- CTE Programs
- Extracurriculars
- State Requirements
- Local Academic and Career Resources
You will have a chance to ask questions and share ideas about how you can make this happen in your school. We are looking forward to a great conversation!
Join us for our other upcoming webinars: